Love It Yet Hate It Too

Upon seeing the expression on Aunt Yu’s face, Wen Le knew that she had misunderstood. Looking around at the majority of balding and greasy men in the banquet hall, Wen Le also felt a headache coming on. Who knows how to explain this? But she also couldn’t not explain, could she?

Wen Le gently took Aunt Yu’s hand and whispered, “It’s not… Auntie… he’s my classmate…”

Upon hearing Wen Le’s response, Aunt Yu’s face changed another shade.

At Aunt Yu’s change in expression, Wen Le realised the implication. Handing out such an expensive piece of jewelry… to a same-aged peer? From what she knew, most second-generation individuals wouldn’t casually spend such a large sum of money.

“Lele, this is too valuable, we can’t accept it, can we?” Despite not agreeing with the idea, Aunt Yu still asked Wen Le for her opinion.

Actually, Wen Le also felt it wasn’t appropriate. Previously, when she hadn’t realised the disparity in their financial abilities, it was fine to accept the blue sapphire ring. However, the price of this yellow sapphire had reached a different level. Now that Wen Le understood the difference in their financial standings, her pride and self-respect wouldn’t allow her to accept such an expensive gift until she achieved the same economic status as Zhou Kao.

First, Wen Le reassured Aunt Yu, “Auntie, don’t worry, he has his own projects and company, the money for this yellow sapphire isn’t from his parents. Of course, I won’t accept this sapphire. I’ll talk to him about it later.”

Aunt Yu nodded, “Go talk to him quickly then.”

On the side, Xi Ya’an smiled and said, “Bring your little boyfriend over to show us.”

Wen Le felt a bit embarrassed and glanced at Aunt Yu. Although Aunt Yu didn’t say anything, there was a curious expression on her face.

Wen Le took out her phone and said, “Let me ask him, I don’t know if he’s still here.”

Aunt Yu was still curious about this matter and asked Wen Le in a low voice, “Does your family know about this?”

Wen Le nodded and sent Zhou Kao a message. She then nodded to Aunt Yu and whispered, “My dad and grandpa know, my dad… has even met him.”

Aunt Yu was curious, “Has your father agreed?”

Wen Le whispered, “Dad didn’t object.”

This reaction was quite normal, and Aunt Yu couldn’t discern the attitude of Wen’s family towards this little boyfriend. This only made Aunt Yu more curious about Wen Le’s boyfriend.

Xi Ya’an’s relationship with Aunt Yu didn’t seem like that of ordinary friends; instead, it seemed like they were close old friends. She didn’t avoid talking about this matter when bringing it up. 

After sending the message, Wen Le didn’t receive a reply for a while. She put down her phone and said, “He probably has already left.”

Aunt Yu, disappointed at not seeing Wen Le’s little boyfriend, looked a bit regretful.

Xi Ya’an also seemed disappointed, “The banquet has just begun, why leave so early?”

Wen Le explained, “He came to Hong Kong mainly for work this time, so he probably had something to attend to and left early.”

Aunt Yu smiled and said, “Looks like we won’t be able to meet him this time, Lele. Go find an opportunity to return the necklace.”

Wen Le nodded.

The three of them chatted for a while about gossip in the entertainment industry. Xi Ya’an was a prominent figure in the entertainment industry while Aunt Yu was the editor-in-chief of a fashion magazine, holding a vast amount of resources and half-immersed in the entertainment circle. Therefore, when these two chatted about gossip, it was practically equivalent to revealing insider information on the spot.

As they discussed the recent secret romance between a top male star and an obscure actress, they saw Qu Manyu and the other from earlier, and another A-list actress, Qi Fu, walking over. The two were famous for being best friends in the spotlight, often seen together, but allegedly fierce competitors behind the scenes for resources.

Qu Manyu had two people with her, while Qi Fu had a mixed-race model recently signed to her studio. The five of them walked over to the three.

Qu Manyu smiled and said to Yu Wangshu, “Just now I was telling Fu Zi that I saw Sister Wangshu, and she didn’t believe me. Now, just as I turn around, here you are.”

Qi Fu was pleasantly surprised and hugged Yu Wangshu, “It really is you, Sister Wangshu! I thought Qu Manyu was tricking me again.”

Yu Wangshu smiled and exchanged pleasantries with them for a while, and even Xi Ya’an, who was standing nearby, had to join in.

Xi Ya’an status was much higher than these few celebrities, and she was too lazy to engage in pleasantries with them. Just as she was thinking of finding an excuse to leave, she suddenly heard a male voice call out, “Wen Le.”

She looked up and saw Wen Le turning around in surprise, so she followed suit. To her astonishment, she saw an exceedingly handsome young man with exceptional features and an overly perfect figure.

To be honest, after spending so many years in the entertainment industry, Xi Ya’an had seen all kinds of faces. However, when she saw this young man, she was still amazed. Simply put, this young man was a top-tier beauty even in the entertainment circle.


Why does this young man seem somewhat familiar…

When Zhou Kao arrived, he attracted the attention of all the women around him. Just as Qu Manyu and Qi Fu were chatting with Wangshu, they fell silent. The young women by their side couldn’t take their eyes off Zhou Kao after seeing him, their eyes sparkling with admiration, never leaving Zhou Kao’s body.

However, since arriving, this handsome young man’s gaze had been glued to Wen Le, not even sparing a glance at the various beautiful women around him.

Aunt Yu was also stunned when she saw Zhou Kao, then glanced at Wen Le, recalling Wen Le’s previous mention of her boyfriend, guessing that this was probably him.

Even with Aunt Yu’s discerning eye, a hint of satisfaction leaked into her gaze when she looked at Zhou Kao.

Ignoring other aspects for now, Zhou Kao’s appearance and temperament alone didn’t lose out to Wen Le. Standing together, they looked like a match made in heaven, truly pleasing to the eye.

Upon seeing Zhou Kao, Wen Le’s gaze was tightly locked onto his, and before she forgot the occasion, she quickly realised and introduced him to Auntie.

“Auntie, this is Zhou Kao.”

“Zhou Kao, this is Aunt Yu,” Wen Le introduced.

Zhou Kao nodded and greeted Aunt Yu politely.

Aunt Yu, who was still chatting with Qu Manyu and Qi Fu, said her goodbyes and excused herself so that she, Wen Le, and Zhou Kao could move to the side for a private conversation.

Xi Ya’an, being tactful, didn’t approach them. She watched Zhou Kao, still racking her brain, feeling like she had seen this guy somewhere before.

Suddenly, Qi Fu exclaimed, “I remember now! I’ve seen this person before.”

Qu Manyu, who had just arrived and didn’t understand what was going on, asked, “Who is this guy? He looks quite young.”

Qi Fu explained, “You know about the collaboration with Penpoint on my end, right? I happened to visit Penpoint’s company last time, and I saw this guy there.”

Hearing Qi Fu mention the collaboration with Penpoint, Qu Manyu felt a pang of jealousy. Qi Fu had always been pressuring her in business matters. Reluctantly, she asked, “Oh, what’s his collaboration with Penpoint about?”

Qi Fu seemed genuinely shocked as she said, “No, this guy is the big boss of Penpoint.”

Qu Manyu sneered, “What? Isn’t the big boss of Penpoint a thirty-something elite man? Although he looks handsome too, isn’t this guy too young?”

Qi Fu shook her head and said, “No, the one people talk about outside is actually the vice president. This young man is the real big boss. My assistant heard it from the employees of their company themselves.”

Qu Manyu was also surprised by this revelation. “Wow, that’s impressive. A young man with a net worth of over a hundred million.”

Listening to Qu Manyu’s casual understatement, Xi Ya’an couldn’t help but chuckle. She sipped her red wine elegantly and sighed softly, “The heir carefully cultivated by the Zhou family in Beijing, of course, is promising at such a young age.”

Xi Ya’an married into a wealthy family at the age of thirty-two, which was considered a good match in the entertainment industry. However, her husband’s family was only a second-rate family in the upper class. The Zhou family was definitely the top-tier aristocracy in the upper class, and their influence and power couldn’t be summarised by surface-level data alone.

She had occasionally glimpsed this young master at various events with her husband. Despite his young age, he was surrounded by compliments and flattery from the crowd, yet he remained unperturbed.

After speaking, Xi Ya’an left on her own, leaving Qu Manyu and Qi Fu with wide eyes.

How could they, who were ambitious and wanted to mingle in the upper class, not know about the Zhou family?

Why did Qu Manyu, with so many suitors, remain single? It was because these suitors only hovered on the edge of the upper class, while Qu Manyu dreamed of climbing higher. Unfortunately, she had never been able to reach the higher echelons of society. And now, they were told that this young man was at the pinnacle of the pyramid they dreamed of squeezing into?

Aunt Yu didn’t say much to the two of them and left, giving Wen Le and Zhou Kao plenty of space.

Wen Le took off the necklace from her neck and handed it to Zhou Kao.

Zhou Kao didn’t take it. He was a bit displeased and spoke coldly, “You don’t like it? Or do you want to return it to me?”

Wen Le shook her head. “I like it, and I didn’t ask you to return it.”

Zhou Kao raised an eyebrow, looking at Wen Le without saying anything.

Wen Le cleared her throat and said, “Well, you see, my family’s safe is full, and there’s no place to put it. So, could you help me keep it for now? When I make enough money to buy a safe, you can give it back to me.”

Zhou Kao chuckled, “That’s the most ridiculous reason I’ve ever heard.”

Would anyone refuse jewelry because they didn’t have a safe?

Wen Le grabbed Zhou Kao’s hand. “It’s not that I don’t want it. Could you please hold onto it for me for now? I’ll be checking on it regularly.”

Zhou Kao understood Wen Le well. It was probably her competitive nature acting up again. She was such a determined person, probably still concerned about her financial status.

Zhou Kao loved and hated Wen Le for being like this.

But Zhou Kao didn’t insist. Instead, he took the necklace Wen Le handed over without urging her to take it back. He didn’t want to add any more pressure on Wen Le, so he could only indulge and helplessly flick Wen Le’s nose. “I really don’t know what to do with you .”

Wen Le gently shook Zhou Kao’s hand, her smile bright and confident. “Trust me, I’ll be able to buy a safe soon and retrieve the yellow sapphire.”

Zhou Kao chuckled helplessly. “Is my girlfriend a superhero? How can she be so amazing?”

Wen Le blushed and lowered her head. “It’s mainly because my boyfriend is too outstanding.”

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